Hi! Welcome to the official website of the CFDLAB@Technion under the direction of me – Prof. Steven Frankel! I am so happy you dropped by 🙂 The focus of the CFDLAB is the development, implementation, and application of high-fidelity numerical methods and mathematical/physics models for simulating turbulent flows. A wide range of application areas include aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, cardiovascular, cavitation, combustion, fluid-structure interactions, high-speed reacting flows, microfluidics, multiphase flows, and turbulent flows. We primarily develop our own in-house codes and currently feature several high-fidelity in-house codes for incompressible, low-Mach, and fully compressible non-reacting and reacting, single- and multiphase flows. We also utilize open-source and commercial CFD codes such as OpenFOAM, SU2, and Star-CCM+.
Recently, the focus of the lab has broadened to include the development and use of machine learning techniques such as physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for active flow control. We also now have research ongoing related to the use of quantum computing for CFD. Contact us if you are interested in joining the group as an MS, PhD, or postdoctoral student or as a visiting scholar or if you would like to fund a project.
Pic/video of the month
Here we will try and post a new pic or video each month representing the latest efforts of students in the CFDLAB…Mach 4.9 inlet-isolator flow simulation for scramjet, supersonic impinging jet, PINNs for lid driven cavity problem…
NEWS! The latest bits and bytes…
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